It's been a while... The first of October we went to Lake Mead and it was FUN! I only have a few pictures, not sure why I didn't take more, but here ya go!
Thanks to my co-worker Caren we were able to go to the University of Utah blackout game against Wyoming Halloween night. It was a blast!
Just a few of the costumes we saw... Where's Waldo? Clint & Rachel Brady & Lauren
Kip and I have known each other since high school, October 2001 to be exact. Kip took me to my first high school dance, but that was our extent of dating in high school. After Kip's LDS mission to Paraguay, a family friend connected us again. Our first date was April 25, 2005, we got engaged November 24, 2005, and married May 12, 2006 in the Bountiful Temple. Best day of our lives! And now the future is up to us...