June 19-20, 2009 I ran on team Ten Keyed Up in the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay. My uncles have a business, Ulrich & Associates, who put a team together. I was lucky enough to be one of the select few invited to run. The team was Mike, Tammy, Jennifer, & Amanda Ulrich, Clark and Kathy Ulrich, Chuck Ulrich, Cathy Hurst, Kylee Wayment, Camille Carver, and another guy who's name I cannot, for the life of me, remember. It was SOO much fun! If you ever get the chance, I would highly recommend running. I mean running 5 miles after 3 hours of sleep, what could be more fun?! My first leg (run), the 19th around 11:00am, was 7.9 miles, I ran up the Avon dirt road almost to the top. My 2nd leg was 4.6 miles at 9pm on Friday night, and I ran from Morgan High School towards East Canyon Dam. My last leg was a little 2.5 miles in Heber City, around 9am Saturday morning. The worst was definitely Avon, the heat mixed with dust from the cars driving on the dirt road, plus uphill 90% of the way made it brutal! But I survived and would do it again in a heartbeat! Thanks again to Ulrich & Associates for giving me this opportunity!